Ah, the first post of a blog. Always the best, and sometimes worst. Well, I guess I should tell you a little about myself.
My name is Lon Varnadore. I'm an amateur writer who is looking to break into science ficton and fantasy publishing. I have written a sci-fi novel that is currently in a contest and I'm waiting for that to win or lose. I might put up an excerpt from it in a future post.
Currently, I'm working on a steampunky fantasy novel. I say steampunky because there are elements of it. Yet, they won't dominate the novel. The fantasy part does. I have been working on this for a number of years. Yet, I can never get the story to work out in my head. It always slipped from my grasp and I have to work on something else.
The first incarnation of this story was written long ago in 2000. It was a week after Christmas and I was in need of something to work on. I had recently seen the LotR:Fellowship of the Ring, and having finished rereading it already a few days before seeing the movie itself, I reached out for a concept. The idea of healing the world was in the back of my head and I went about writing something along those lines.
Ten years down the line, that idea is buried somewhere in the story. However, so much more has changed. I will get into more of that when there is more of the story written. A large part of why many writers don't discuss--or at least the ones I've read about and some I know--is that if we discuss the story in to great a detail, we lose that want to write it down.
I will end this by saying thank you for reading this and I hope you shall follow this blog.
Yeah that makes a lot of sense regarding why you don't want to talk about a story. Writing is so therapeutic, even when it's fiction. And oftentimes once we get it out our mind stops obsessing and your story's gone.